
The history of the Kaliningrad Amber Combine

09 June 2020

Kaliningrad Amber Combine – what is it? Let’s start from the beginning. It was established in 1947 next to the amber deposits in Jantarnyja (also known as Palmincken). Kaliningrad Amber Combine was combined of Palmnicken Amber Mine (the oldest and closed one), Primorksoje – active and the Beach one, also known as the Beachline. It […]

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The Amber Coast

18 April 2020

The Amber Coast is the name of the coastal strip of the Baltic Sea located in Kaliningrad. This area is known for amber excavation since the mid-19th century and up to date is a location of open-pit amber mines. Deposits in Palmnikenskoe and Primorskoe contain up to 80% of the world’s amber reserves, they were […]

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The largest ambers in the world

24 March 2020

Amber is a natural treasure which can be found thrown out by waves on the shore or gathered in special mines. The stones are used in many different ways. They are used as elements of jewelry or as an addition to medical substances. Amber is also crucial for learning the history of the world because, […]

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Polish sources of amber, the amber mines!

23 March 2020

In 2012, The National Geological Institute confirmed that are huge amounts of amber located in Poland. The sources of that precious stone can be worth up to over 7 billion dollars!

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